Say Goodbye to Under-Eye Bags, Droopy Eyelids, and Dark Circles

The area around the eyes reflect our mood and energy. That’s why people with sagging eyelids, bags under the eyes, or dark circles often get asked if they’re feeling tired or sad, even when they’re rested and feeling fine. Fortunately, we can remedy these conditions with either nonsurgical treatments or eyelid surgery at our plastic surgery center in Houston.

Eyelid rejuvenation techniques to minimize early signs of aging, such as crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, and under-eye bags, can be improved with microneedling, laser resurfacing, or filler injections, in addition to upper and lower blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). In this blog post we’ll describe the best treatments to treat each of these conditions and explain what’s involved with each procedure.

Under-Eye Bags

Lower eyelid surgery is typically the best way to reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes. Under-eye bags develop when fat inside the lower eyelids bulge, and the skin becomes thinner and loosens. A lower eyelid lift—also called transconjunctival blepharoplasty—removes and repositions excess fat, along with excess skin and muscle. Because surgeons make incisions inside the lower eyelid, patients don’t have visible scars.

Some people develop lower eyelid bags in their teens and 20s, as an inherited family trait. For others, the appearance of under-eye bags becomes more noticeable with time. Transconjunctival surgery that removes or repositions the visible fat can be an effective solution whether your undereye bags are a result of genetics or aging.

lower eyelid surgery infographic

Downtime following a lower eyelid lift usually lasts about 7 to 10 days. Expect some swelling and bruising and avoid strenuous exercise for 2 weeks.

Patients should be examined prior to surgery to evaluate the position, strength, and tone of the lid, and to determine if additional eyelid procedures are needed.

Droopy Upper Eyelids

Eyelid surgery (both upper and lower) is one of the most popular cosmetic plastic surgery procedures performed every year, ranking in the top 5 annually. One reason is that sagging upper eyelids is a concern for both men and women who feel the condition makes them look much older than they actually are. Upper eyelid surgery removes excess skin, muscle, and fat and creates a lifted appearance to the eyebrows that look natural.

upper eyelid surgery inforgraphic

As with lower eyelid surgery, the upper eyelid procedure doesn’t leave a visible scar because surgeons make incisions in the eyelid’s natural fold. The recovery is similar to that of lower eyelid surgery, with most patients returning to work within a week or so.

In many cases, patients combine upper and lower eyelid surgery in a single operation without additional recovery time.

Dark Circles

Prominent tear troughs—most often called dark circles—are one of the most common concerns we hear from patients of all ages. People in their 20s who’ve inherited the condition ask if there’s any treatment that can produce long-term results. The good news is, yes, there is.

Microneedling is quickly becoming one of the most popular nonsurgical treatments at our plastic surgery practice in Houston. The procedure can both minimize dark circles and reduce under-eye bags. Microneedling creates tiny channels in the skin that triggers the natural healing process. This process creates new collagen and thickens the crepey skin under the eyes.

Dark circle under eye removal

The best way to know what treatment is most effective for your concerns is to talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon. You can contact us using the online form to request a consultation or call 1 of our 3 offices to schedule an appointment. Call (281) 282-9555 (Clear Lake), (713) 521-4777 (Houston), or (713) 436-2222 (Pearland).

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